Predators of the Blue Ringed Octopus





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Predators of the Blue Ringed Octopus Covered


Blue Ringed Octopus


Predators of the Blue Ringed Octopus


Moray Eel "Predators of the Blue Ringed Octopus"


Predator "Moray Eel" and the Prey "Blue Ringed Octopus"


Blue Ringed Octopus


The Blue Ring Octopus (Hapalochlaena lunulata) is the most poisonous octopus. This little blue ringed octopus lives in humid thin reefs of Australia, Indonesia, and those other pacific countries.


Predators of the Blue Ringed Octopus


Most widely known predator of the blue-ring octopus is the moray eel. Others include seals, whales and numerous types of birds.

Blue ringed octopus



Moray Eel "Predators of the Blue Ringed Octopus"


Moray eel has many predators, two of which are the octopus and humans. The main enemies of the Moray Eels are octopus. Octopus and Moray eels are severe enemies of each other. If both of them are kept together, one has to end up dead in one way or another.

Predator "Moray Eel" and the Prey "Blue Ringed Octopus"

This predator of the blue ringed octopus, Moray eel likes to survive in the similar location as the blue ringed octopus. Their major houses are caves with areas having coral reefs. If a moray eel comes to know the blue ringed octopus is somewhere close, it will continuously look for every crack as well as crevices until it finds its predator.

Predators of the blue ringed octopus Moray eel

As soon as this predator “moray eel” finds the blue ringed octopus, it bites the octopus’ thickset membrane. The blue ringed octopus forces and tries to lose hold of it, but in vain, it will be besieged by the moray eels’ greasy and brawny body. Eventually, the predator moray eel wins the battle and at the end eat away the whole blue ringed octopus.


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